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Add Text to a General Block

There are several types of blocks, but the most commonly used is the General Block. The General Block is used to create and customize text, add images within text, and add links. The General Block contains a simple text editor that allows text and images to be added and edited. The editor contains many of the same functions found within a word processing program, including font, color, etc. It’s important to click the "Save" button after adding or editing content.

Steps: How to Add Text to a General Block

1. From the HotDoodle Toolbar, click on the "Block" tab.

2. Click on the "Add Block" button. If this is the first block on the page, a container will appear with an Add Here button.

3. Click on the "Add Here" button in the website where the block will be added.

4. Click on the "General Block" button. 

5. Click on "Insert this block" button.

6. Type text into the editor.

7. Use the text editor controls to customize text as required.

8. Click on the "Save" button.

After 15 minutes of time has elapsed, HotDoodle prompts to save the work.

Troubleshooting Text Display Issues

Customizing text in the text editor is easy, just highlight the text and click on an icon to apply the effect. Removing the customization may prove more difficult sometimes. Use the HTML Source Editor to view the customization applied to each line of text. Often when multiple choices are made in the text editor, some of the initial choices are not removed and may still affect formatting. To remove customization applied to text, remove the two HTML tags that wrap the text that needs to change.

Common HTML tags used by the HotDoodle HTML Source Editor

  • <p></p> - The paragraph tags wrap all text. Each new set of paragraph opening and closing tags starts a new paragraph.
  • <strong></strong> - The strong tags wrap any text that is bold.
  • <em></em> - The em tags wrap any text that is italicized.
  • <span style="text-decoration: underline;"></span> - The span text-decoration tags wrap any text that is underlined.
  • <span style="font-size: small;"></span> - The span font-size tags wrap any text that has a font size other than the default.
  • <h1></h1> - The h1 tags wrap any text that is styled as the most prominent heading.
  • <h2></h2> - The h2 tags wrap any text that is styled as the second most prominent heading.
  • <h3></h3> - The h3 tags wrap any text that is styled as the third most prominent heading.

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