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Customize Text

The text editor in the General Block allows customization of text using several formatting controls. These controls match those found in most word processing programs like Microsoft Word.

The text editor offers the following controls:

  • Font family
  • Font size
  • Text color
  • Text highlight
  • Bold, italics, underline
  • Text alignment
  • Bullets or numbering
  • Indentation
  • Subscript or superscript
  • Strikethrough
  • Custom characters
  • Block quote

Steps: How to Customize Text

1. While editing the block, click and drag the cursor to highlight the area of text you’d like to modify.

2. Click on the icon on the toolbar to apply the formatting. Formatting can be removed by highlighting text and using the eraser icon.

3. Click anywhere in the editor to de-select the text.

4. Click on the "Save" button when you are finished. (Note: After 15 minutes of time has elapses, HotDoodle prompts you to save your work.)

Line Spacing in Text

Vertical line spacing on the web is like line spacing in print or other word processing programs. Lines of text can either appear single spaced with virtually no space vertically between the lines of text, or double spaced where some space appears vertically between the two lines of text. In web terminology, single spacing of lines is called a soft return and double spacing of lines is called a hard return.

To achieve a single spacing vertically between lines of text, press the "Ctrl + Enter" keys to start a new line.

To achieve a double spacing vertically between lines of text, simply press the "Enter" key.

Single spacing of lines of text is the default line spacing for lines of text that are long enough to be naturally wrapped to the next line.

To create a single spacing vertically between lines of text when there is currently a double spacing, remove all space between the lines by pressing the "Back Space" key and then press the "Ctrl + Enter" keys to start a new line.

Text Editor Icons

The text editor has three editing Toolbars available across the top. Click on the drop-down menu on the top right to toggle the available toolbars visible and hidden while editing. Hover the cursor over the icons to reveal their function in a pop up screen. The three toolbars include:

1. Fonts & Colors- This toolbar is always visible and appears on top. It has icons for changing fonts, colors, and alignment.

2. Links & Pics - This toolbar has icons for adding links and images, as well as formatting special text.

3. Tables - This toolbar has icons for inserting and editing tables.

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