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Option 1: Configuring an Existing Domain

1. Click on My Account.

2. Click on the “Site Options” link on the My Stuff page.

3. Click on the “Config Domains” link.

4. Choose a domain name.

5. Type your exact domain in the text area under Option 3 and click the Save button.

6. Log on to the site where you registered the domain.

7. Look for an option, button or link such as “Domains,” “MyDomains” or “Domain Manager.”

Note: If you having trouble finding one of these options, click on the “Help” button or link. In the search box type “nameservers” or “set nameservers.” If you’re still having trouble, contact Support for the site.

8. Look for an option under your Domain Control Panel to mange your DNS settings to "Change Nameservers” or “Set Nameservers.”

9. In the “Nameserver 1” text area type “N1.HOTDOODLE.COM”.

10. In the Nameserver 2” text area type “N2.HOTDOODLE.COM”.

11. Click on a the “Save,” “Set,” or “Apply” button.

Important!   If you have not already done so, you need to do the steps to Tell HotDoodle about the Domain.

Wait for the Change to Take Effect

It takes time for the change to take effect in the internet. We have seen times range from 20 minutes to 1 day although the internet standard allows up to 4 days for this type of change.

Option 2: Adjusting Records by Hand

Please do not continue with option 2 if you have done option 1. We strongly recommend that you you use option 1.  However, if you insist on using your domain manager's name servers, here is what you would set.

1. On the sidebar, scroll down to "Total DNS COntrol" and then open it and select "Total DNS COntrol and MX Records". You will have to allow pop-ups for this step. 

2. Click on "Advanced Mode." The MX and CX record screen is in a "wizard" and this wizard can interfere with the simple edit you want.

3. Find Your Site's IP Address - the address you find there is the address you will use in the next step. At the bottom of the Config Domains screen is a message such as the following:

This site is hosted on

4. Adjust your Domain Records - you will now be in a domain record edit screen. Adjust your screen to look like the following. You will need to enter your site's IP address found by the above procedure.

5. Enable Email: You also need to edit your mx records if your domain will be supporting email. You want to point the record to

5. Save and wait. It takes time for the change to take effect in the internet. We have seen times range from 20 minutes to 1 day although the internet standard allows up to 4 days for such a change.

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