Steps: Registering a New Domain
1. Get to the Config Domains screen (See above: Getting to the Config Domains Screen)
2. Type a domain to register in the text field under Option 2.
3. Click to add a check mark next to each box applicable .com, .net, etc.
4. Click on the "Search" button.

5. On the next screen, review the possible choices and click the “Register” link next the domain to register.

6. On the next screen, enter a username and password, it will be used to login to the domain host to make changes to the domain in the future.
7. Click the radio button next to "yes" or "no" if you want your domain to auto renew each year. The renewal cost is $15 per domain, per year. The auto renewal feature is recommended to avoid any interuption at renewal time.

8. Fill out all the required infomation.

Warning: Invalid Email Address will Suspend the Domain!
9. Click on the "Save and Validate" button.
When registering a second domain, there will be a pull down to reuse the registration information entered on this screen earlier.
Once registered, this domain is automatically connected to the HotDoodle website.