Steps: How to Add a Private Page or Sub-page
1. From the HotDoodle Toolbar, click on the "Pages/Menus" tab.
2. Click on the "Add Page" button.

3. Click to select the type of page from the drop-down menu.
4. Select from the drop-down menu where the page will appear in the navigation menu.
The Top of Hierarchy option makes the new page a main page and displays it in the main navigation menu. Selecting to place it under another page displays the new page as a sub-page.

5. Click on the "Continue" button.
6. Type in a Page Name.
The page name will appear in the navigation menu. Optional, type in a Page URL Alias, which will appear in the url when the page is viewed by visitors. See: Create a Page Alias
7. Click to remove the check mark next to [Allow public access?], which make the page invisible to the public.
The page may be changed back to public by adding the check mark back into the box.

8. Add a check mark in the box next to [Pop up?] if the page should pop up in a new window or add a check mark in the box next to [Show in menus?] to add the page to the navigation menu.
9. Click on the "Save" button.
The new page appears in the website in edit mode. |