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Add a YouTube Video is a website that provides free video hosting. Videos uploaded to are automatically converted to flash format and can be linked and displayed on a HotDoodle website.

Steps: How to Add a YouTube Video

1. Go to and locate a video to add to the HotDoodle website.

2. Click on the "Share" button below the video.

3. Click on the "Embed" button.

4. Copy the embed code provided by YouTube.

5. On the HotDoodle Toolbar, click on the "Block" tab.

6. Click on the "Add Block" button.

7. On the webpage, click on the "Add Here" button where the Flash/YouTube Block will display.

8. Click on the "Flash/YouTube" block.

9. Click on the "Insert this block" button.

10. Paste the embed code from YouTube into the field in [Option 4].

Using the embed code will allow the video to be played on mobile devices.

11. Check the box below to display the player exactly as the embed code state. If checked, skip step 12.

12. To Customize the look of the player instead, use the setting these settings to determine the size, alignment, background color, and play options.

13. Click on the "Save" button.

YouTube: Suppressing Related Videos

YouTube often shows what it considers to be related videos after playing your video, but you might not like their choices.

HotDoodle by default suppresses the playing of related videos if you merely enter the YouTube page's URL into "Option 3: Enter the URL of the page that shows the video"

If you are using Option 4, where you can enter YouTube's embed sequence, you can still suppress the related videos.
Pick a video. Click the "share" link.   Click the Embed tab
    YouTube generates an iframe embed sequence
    but below it there is a "show more"
    Click that and you get options
    Unclick "Show suggested videos when the video finishes"

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