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Website Restore

HotDoodle allows a website to be restored to the last backed up version. See: Check the Last Back Up Date HotDoodle website are automatically backed up once a week usually on a Sunday night. Back ups may also be preformed manually. See: Website Back Up Restoring a back up of the website is an ireversible action.

Get to the Site Publication Screen From the My Stuff Page

Steps: How to Get to the Site Publication Screen From the My Stuff Page

1. Log in at

2. Click on the "My Stuff" page on the navigation bar.

3. Click on the "Site Options" link to the right of the website name.

Get to the Site Publication Screen From the Website

Steps: How to Get to the Site Publication Screen From the Website

1. From the HotDoodle Toolbar, click on the "Administration" tab.

2. Click on the "Configure Site" button.

3. Click on the "Site Publication" button on the Site Preferences Menu screen.

Restore a Website From a Back Up

Steps: How to Restore a Website From a Back Up

1. Get to the Site Publication screen. See: Get to the Site Publication Screen from the My Stuff Page

2. Click on the “Turn Off” link.

3. Click on the “Turn Off” button.

4. Under the Site Copies heading, click on the icon next to [Overwrite the current site with a permanent and irreversible restore from the XX/XX/XX backup.

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