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Manage All Pages

HotDoodle has the Manage All Pages screen which give the flexibility to view the hierarchy of all pages in the website at once, view settings for each page, and perform routine page operations all from one screen.

Navigate to the Manage All Pages Screen

Steps: How to Navigate to the Manage All Pages Screen

1. From the HotDoodle Toolbar, click on the "Pages/Menus" tab.

2. Click on the "Manage All Pages" button.

Manage All Pages Screen Options

a. The Name heading is a listing of all the navigation menu pages on the website.

b. Any navigation menu subpages appear indented below its parent page.

c. The Lang heading specifies the language setting for each page.

d. Shows less depth or Shows more depth option either contract or expand the hierarchy of pages and subpages. The Show less depth option will hide a level of subpages, while the Shows more depth will expand and show a level of subpages.

e. The Manage links next to each page allows the viewing and management of that page and subpages.

f. The Edit icon next to each page allows editing of the page properties for each page.

g. The Delete icon allows easily deletion of navigation menu pages that are no longer wanted in the website.

h. The green Up and Down arrows allow movement of pages around in the navigation menu. Each click on the green up arrow moves the selected page one page up in the list order, whereas each click on the green down arrow moves the selected page one page down in the list order.

i. Anytime a page states that it "Opens to [another page on the website]" that page has been configured to show the page that it opens to when that navigation menu page is clicked. See: Multiple Navigation Menu Entries

j. Anytime a page states that it "Opens to http://..." that page has been configured to link to a web page outside of HotDoodle. See: Linking a Navigation Menu Page to an outside website

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