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Email Sent
Email Sent

Above is the email sent to the domains administrator of record, as defined by that domain's WHOIS record.

  • This email must be received. Some domain sellers "protect" their customers by discarding all such emails claiming that they thought they were spam.
  • This email contains links that must be clicked on
  • Only then can the domain authorization code be entered

This MUST happen, there is no other way to do the transfer, per ICANN standards.

If you can't read this email, log into the seller of the domain and unset all domain privacy and protections, and change the WHOIS admin contact email to one that you can read.

Confirmation Screen
Confirmation Screen

A form like the one above opens when the email link is clicked. Here you enter the domain's authorization code.

Authorization Code Entered
Authorization Code Entered

The above confirmation is shown after entering the proper authorization code.

Email from losing registrar
Email from losing registrar

Above is an example of an email that might be sent by the domain seller that is losing the domain.
Note that sometimes they do nothing and tell you that you should have logged into their system for updates.

  • Sometimes the email has a link that will let the transfer happen right away.  
  • Sometimes you can approve a quicker transfer by logging in (see for an example based on GoDaddy).  
  • Else the former domain seller may wait the longest possible time before doing the transfer, or
  • In some cases they wait and then decline the transfer, forcing you to call their customer service an then start the whole process over again.

Transfer approval form from losing registrar
Transfer approval form from losing registrar

Above is an example of a form you can sometimes find to speed up the transfer. You may get to it by a link from emails or by logging in to the control screens of the losing domain seller, but some domain sellers do not have one, or make it vey hard to find.


We will bill you $15 per domain at the start of the transfer attempt.

If the transfer fails because the email was not responded to in a timely manner or for some other reason not on our side we may charge $15 per re-attempt. 

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