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Create Twinkling Hidden Intro Description

These instructions show you how to make first text noticed mainly by search engines, and for this text to be "twinkling" such that it varies each time the search engines examine the page.

Add a general block in the SEO page, no style, with explanation such as

Intro Text
The next block, in pink, acts as the unseen intro text on all pages of the site.

  • A random choice of the articles below is shown -- this randomness prevents the search engine from thinking that all these sites are identical.
  • The articles all say pretty much the same thing, but they say it differently.
  • The article titles are not shown when used as the intro text.

Insert an articles block in bulleted view,  title is "Home Page Twinkling Intro", set style to pink. Set "Summary" to intro+body, in view options click mouseover, intro only in pop-ups.

Mirror the block to the first column in the 2 column "Home Page Top SEO Text" container added above.  In the mirror, unset the title, unset the pink style, use content rotate view.

Add multiple articles with about the same SEO content but order differently.

  • Have nearly the same content in each article, but done differently.
  • The article titles do not matter.
  • Consider SEO level 3 references , , etc and the other expansions
  • Consider SEO level 3 links to http://{$DOMAIN}

Below is an example

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Rabbi Genn, our New York Executive Director for interfaith weddings, encapsulated our approach when he said, " interfaith weddings, and blended families are Good for society. Interfaith weddings help bridge the New York differences which separate us, and emphasize the very powerful idea that we are all God's children!" As a New York organization we believe in empowering interfaith couples, so that they can celebrate not repress their interfaith heritages, be they Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Jainist, Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, etc.... We encourage them to involve interfaith family and Ethnic weddings traditions in the weddings as well, so that the New York ceremonial moment has authenticity as its hallmark. Rabbi Genn has consistently emphasized that the "people" should be the weddings celebrants, with clergy helping to facilitate, as needed.


  • The first text should be the site description you want to see in search listings. Iti snot guaranteed, but what is found first tends to be what is listed.  A good level 3 practice is to use the $SITE_DESCRIPTION as the first text. This is set in the edit metadata area, might itself have undergone TERM1 replacements, and might change from domain to domain or page to page, but whatever these changes, they are shown in this article.
  • The SITE_TITLE links to http://
  • The paragraph on the Rabbi is present in the other articles, but slight rephrased and significantly reordered.  When you reorder be  sure that the first TERM1, 2, etc has the default assignment.  E.G. "New York Weddings by New York Rabbi" would not work as the first TERM1 has no default.

There is now enough infrastructure in place to see it in action. Browse the home page and look for the SEO text. Refresh a few times and watch it twinkle!

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