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Domains and Alt Home Pages

You have a bunch of alternative home pages, each tuned to some particular customer message with corresponding overt, subtle, and even hidden SEO terms.  These will each take the place of the home page if ever visited, so now lets make them be visited.

The Configure Site screen has a per-domain preferences option at the bottom.

When clicked you get a list of the domains. Note that the "www." and the non www. versions are both listed, as each is technically a different site, and, if used well, will have truly different home pages.

For each domain you may set site title, description, keywords, and home page.  These really now start to tie together all of the SEO preparation.

  • The site title may contain { $term1 } expressions such as
      { $TERM1 El Paso Texas} { $TERM2 Wedding Cakes}  | LRS Party Bakery

    This title may get repeated within the site by the use of { $SITE_TITLE }
  • The site description may contain { $term1 } expressions such as
      LRS { $TERM1 El Paso Texas} { $TERM2 Wedding Cakes} : Making parties
      special since 1983 with custom cakes and baked treats.

    This description may get repeated within the site by the use of { $SITE_DESCRIPTION }, and per the practices described earlier is likely to be the first text on the site.
  • These TERM references might be set by a incoming SEO link, or may set the default expansions for the rest of the page.

  • The per-domain specification of a home page can cause this domain to land on a matching alternative home page, which then swaps places with the home page and becomes THE home page for this visitor.
  • The SEO permutation within the page will be set by an incoming SEO generated link, or if the domain is browsed with no SEO link it will be set in a domain specific manner, presumably to values that match the domain.

So, if you had the domain you could have it land on an alternative home page filled with matching SEO that could then give an impression that this is most of what you do with some other incidental services.

(You could instead have this domain land on the main stop-smoking page in the site, just be sure to fill that page with SEO. Even then you would want the permutation generator to cover alternative phrases such as quit smoking and to apply these terms to the names of the various local cities.)

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