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Use Conventions to Stay Sane

While you can go wild, most of the time you would not want to do so.  The alt home pages are not really there to turn a sheet metal site into a back country fishing site, they are typically there to focus the site such as between Fremont Gardening and Newark Pavers. These instructions are how to do this in a sane manner.

First, some conventions:

  • Yellow style means for your SEO eyes only -- put comments to yourself in blocks on the pages, have these blocks be in the yellow style and set with the logged in and authorized permission. As nobody else is authorized they are private comments.
  • Pink style means the block appears to the search engines somewhere else as a mirror. The pink blocks show you what they will be inserting.
  • If  a page is for a specific domain, name the page after the domain, ala www-fremont-gardening-com

It is easy to get lost

With some alt home pages swaping around locations with the home page it can become hard to figure out where you are. Some tips:

  • The "Becomes home page if ever visited" flag is not honored if you are the admin. Otherwise it gets too confusing as you edit the pages.  Domain specific home pages are honored, however, so edit from a domain that does not swap around too much.
  • Insert a menu block in Breadcrumb view into all Alt Home Pages, pehaps yellow and visible only to you -- you will appreciate it!
  • Insert somewhere where it is always seen by you, like the sidebar, a menu block in the Marked Hierarchy view. It will be good to see all of your pages as you move around to edit.


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